Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Trying hard to be positive

That was one of the resolutions this year. Replace the self-defeating negatives with positives.

It's hard today. It's really, really hard. I'm bombarded with how much I suck all day every day. Mr. L says I take things too personally. That when something blindsides me with sheer awfulness, it's not personal 99% of the time.

I imagine it's true. Hell, I imagine 99.9 % of the people who make me want to stab myself in the eye never think twice about me, but it sure makes me crazy to see a truly shitty human being fool a lot of otherwise good folks into believing their bullshit.

It also makes my heart hurt to see how much your average human being likes to watch other people being awful to one another.

I'm trying, but maybe I'm just naturally cynical and given to negative thoughts.

Some days it's just hard

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Forgot I had this

I need to get back into the blog. *g*

I think I have more words than I thought

or something


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

embracing the ridiculous

(and the dangerous and scary and all other things)

I once had a co-worker ask me what she should do when she visited San Antonio, as I had just been down there for EPIC, an electronic book convention.

I told her that my absolute must do was a carriage ride around downtown. They leave from just outside the Menger, across from the Alamo.

Her response? Oh, no. I couldn't do that. I would look ridiculous, wouldn't I?

Maybe it's because I have pink hair. Maybe it's because at heart I really am five. But if I can figure out how to do something without really offending someone (ie: ask the carriage driver how much without insulting him) then I'm not afraid of looking ridiculous to do something that lets me see stuff I want to see, and do things I want to do.

Without that carriage ride I would never have known about how the city of San Antonio turned down a multi-million dollar hotel deal because it would have cast a shadow on the Alamo. I would never have known about the carrier pigeons who used to transmit the high school football game scores to the newspaper Friday night so people could read them Saturday morning. And I never would have gotten to ride in a carriage pulled by a horse named Fred, who wore a Carmen Miranda-like blob of cherries on his hat...

In the name of the ridiculous, I have ridden camels, stood in front of a giant wooden penis in Barcelona and straddled a toddler's bouncy horse in a Mexican restaurant in South Carolina. I have been to dinosaur parks in Kentucky and weird caves in Colorado. I have bought pictures of myself whitewater rafting, where I look both terrified and exhilarated. I have played nickel slots for two hours on the same dollar to look at cowboys while they played poker.

Just thinking of all the things I would have missed out on for fear of looking ridiculous makes me sad. Try it. You might like it.

Friday, April 2, 2010

lest I seem like all I do is bitch

we have a new patio. We have grass in the back, which the dogs adore. We have a giant chicken. It's glorious. It's in the front yard with the daisies and the marigolds and the glorious agave

I have people who love me, enough food to eat, zumba and yoga and the amazing June to keep me working on being fit.

I have 2 bassets of immense joy, and the crazy granny pibble

I have friends and godkids and a beautiful niece.

I have my family. My dad and my brother and my S and L.

Hell, I have Liam Neeson as a god at the theater and the Sherlock Holmes movie on Blu-Ray. how can life be bad?

Thursday, April 1, 2010


so how far do you have to bend over and let someone f*** you up the a$$ before you're "good people"? I'm sick to death of it. I think I'm going to go back to waiting tables

Monday, March 15, 2010

*insert gibberish*

my brains are leaking out my ears.

Send tim mcgraw tickets