Thursday, January 24, 2008

ack and shit

too much to do. not enough time. send help

I've been sick. As sick as I've been in years, really. I'm tired of it. I'm so over it. I just wish my body would get with the program. The phosphorescent goo stage of the flu is just lovely.

Little Debbie heart shaped cakes rock...

I need to get my shit together


Saturday, January 5, 2008


It's a beautiful day out there. It's been viciously cold for Texas, we're talking 33 during the day (yeah yeah, y'all Yankees can laugh, but it never gets that cold) but today it's 75 and breezy.

It's been a day of ups and downs already. Got to talk to A, which was up. Dogs crazy, down. Taco Bell for lunch, and staying in the dietician's plan, up. Having terrible nightmares last night that linger? Bad.

I'm trying very hard to be positive. I am not a moron. I know that some folks think I am; it's clearly obvious. Or they think I am a nasty bitch who will deliberately screw them. I'm neither. I am forgetful, I admit. And sometimes scattered. Sometimes I'm obstinate, even. *g*

now I have to go write. That? That's an UP.